Monday, September 22, 2014

5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain

Can't log off? Surprisingly, 5-10% of internet users are actually unable to control how much time they spend online. Brain scans of these people actually show a similar impairment of regions that those with drug dependence have. Specifically, there is a clear degradation of white matter in the regions that control emotional processing, attention and decision making. Social media provides immediate rewards with very little effort required, your brain begins to rewire itself, making you desire these stimulation. And you begin to crave more of this neurological excitement after each interaction, like a drug.

Also the ones who do multi tasking in social media fails to perform well in production levels compares to other normal people. Increased multi-tasking online reduces your brains ability to filter out interference, and can even make it harder for your brain to commit information to memory.

Social media use increase the dopamine levels which is the chemical substance for feeling good. When we talk about ourself, dopamine level production are increased. About 80% of our social media communications are about ourselfs. Also there is an increasing cases of relationships formed from online. 


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