Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Sometimes, in order to understand what's happening in the immune system, you just have to watch it. By imaging the immune response, researchers have observed how two types of immune cells, T and B cells, interact with one another during a critical period following infection in order to prepare the best antibodies and establish long-lasting protection. Their surprising finding: T cells and B cells form numerous short-term contacts, each lasting no more than a few minutes, in a dynamic process that is very different from how T cells interact with other cell types. The results were recently published in Science.

The action takes place in so-called germinal centers, tiny structures within the body's lymphatic system where B cells learn to make antibodies against specific microbes. Within these sites B cells undergo a process known as diversification in which they experience rapid mutations in the genes that encode antibodies. Only the best B cells—those with the highest "affinities"—are selected to leave the germinal centers and become antibody-secreting cells.
"In the germinal centers, T cells discern between B cells that are making effective antibodies and those that are not—it is because of their scrutiny that the immune system learns to take the correct action to fight off infection," says study author Ziv Shulman, a postdoc in Michel C. Nussenzweig's Laboratory of Molecular Immunology. "But nobody had ever observed directly and described the dynamics of this process and little is known about how T cells make their determination."
Nussenzweig, who is Zanvil A. Cohn and Ralph M. Steinman Professor, along with Shulman, and their colleagues, developed a system in which they could observe the germinal centers directly in live mice under physiological conditions, tagging T cells and B cells with separate fluorescent proteins that allowed them to track the movements of the cells in real time. They also developed an algorithm that could process the resulting videos and keep precise track of the quantity of contacts between the two cell types as well as the duration of each contact.
They found that the amount of antigen being picked up by B cells with high affinity antibodies and presented to T cells dictates the duration of interaction between the cells. In these contacts, the B cells are instructed either to differentiate into antibody secreting cells or to undergo further mutation.

To test whether the cells were indeed communicating with one another, the researchers also visualized the amount of free calcium within the cells. They found an increase in intracellular calcium, an indicator of signaling events triggered during the T and B cells interactions. Furthermore, the dynamics of the calcium signaling they observed suggests that not only are T cells telling B cells what to do, but that the flow of information is bi-directional: T cells are also learning from B cells.
"The transient interactional dynamics allow T cells to continuously seek and find B cells that are presenting high levels of antigen and provide them with preferential help, while still permitting competing B cells to mutate and develop," Shulman says. "It's an interactive process, with B cells being directed by T cells and T cells learning from their interactions with B cells."
The research team says that a better understanding of the processes that take place in germinal centers could lead to new ways to manipulate them in order to more effectively harness the body's immune system to develop vaccines and fight a variety of diseases.

Imaging studies open a window on how effective antibodies are formed

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Lonesome George is back. The rarest animal in the world, and by far the most famous tortoise, died in 2012. Now experts have preserved him for display – right down to the missing toenail on his left front foot.

George was one of 14 subspecies of giant tortoise (Chelonoidis nigra) that once lived on the Galapagos Islands. George lived on Pinta island, but the introduction of goats wiped out all his fellows, and when he was found in 1972, he was the last of his kind.

Another Subspecies vanished :Lonesome George (Chelonoidis nigra) , the latest victim of extinction

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Monday, September 22, 2014

Candy Crush is my not-so secret addiction. It has consumed my days and plagued my nights. I've been crushing so much candy over the last few months, in fact, I've managed to figure out quite a few tips, tricks, and flat out cheats that have helped me beat level after level. And it's time I shared them all with you.

So here they are, my top 10 ways to beat the candy out of Candy Crush

1. Find the patterns!

There are things that will make a sprinkle donut hole or special candy effortlessly. Recognizing and repeating them allows you to wipe the board and earn your ticket to the next level faster. I'm always looking for these patterns. I memorize which patterns lead to which special candy and then set them up whenever possible and as needed.

2. Start at the bottom

Crushing candies on the bottom is better than crushing candies at the top, because candies drop down, creating the potential for a cascade effect that essentially gives you free moves.

3. Go for combos

The two best combinations are the wrapped candy and the striped candy, and the sprinkle donut hole and the striped candy. Together, they can wipe out over half the board for you. This can also help you get to places which are off the board or otherwise difficult to reach. This is the only way you will get by levels such as 181, which have unreachable squares. Also, a wrapped candy switched with another wrapped candy will ignite a 6 by 4 square which can clear a huge area.

4. Know your stripes!

Candy is striped in the same direction as the final candy moved to complete the previous formation. If you move a candy horizontally, it will make a horizontal stripe, which will then explode horizontally as well.

5. Assess your threats!

Assess your threats. Prioritize getting rid of evil candy by their threat levels. For example, I usually make it a rule to kill low number bombs first, then chocolate, then go after the blocks.

6. Clear jellies on the edge!

Clearing jellies on the edge. When getting rid of jellies, only worry about the edges, especially the corners and bottoms. These jellies have the least number of combinations which can eliminate them, so will be the hardest to get rid of. Take a moment each move to see if you can get rid of edge jellies and, if not, go after an easier one.

7. Have a plan!

Have a plan. Each time you start a new level, look at the hardest element on that level and think out how you can defeat it first before you use up lives. Also, pause between moves. You may have a sprinkle and not even realize it if you're watching the candies from a lesser move get crushed.

8. Understand chocolate!

Understand chocolate. If you've eaten a piece of chocolate one round, chocolate will not regenerate the following round. This is a great way to keep chocolate at bay. Try to destroy chocolate each round so that it won't regenerate the next. You can clear the entire board of chocolate using this method, though in later levels there is a chocolate maker which will bring them back in vicious fashion. Chocolate will avoid special candy if it can. Chocolate will also not eat a fruit or nut, though it will absorb bombs.

9. +5 Candy is your friend.

Make a candy crush chain with +5 on whatever levels you can. This will add 5 seconds to a time trial level. You can tell if it is a "time trial" level or a "clear the jelly" level based on the small icon in the lower left corner of the start up screen for each level.

10. Cheat time for extra lives!

If you don't use Facebook, there's still a cheat to get you extra lives. Turn the clock on your mobile device ahead 2 hours, and then keep playing to your hearts content. Go to Settings > General> Date & Time > Set Time Off > Set Date and Time > Add two hours forward and get 4 more lives in your game. You will eventually have to pay back the time, but schedule that for when you're sleeping anyway. Remember to change the time from PM to AM if you are going past midnight.

11.Reshuffle your candies without losing lives 

Sometimes just by looking at a new level you know if you'll be in for an easy or a hard time. Luckily, there's a way to change that, and reshuffle a challenging level, without using up any of your lives. On your mobile device, open the level and then press the exit button before you make any moves. When you come back, the candy will be reshuffled and in new, hopefully easier to handle positions. You can do this as many times as you want and no lives will be lost. This trick does not work on the time challenges as the game has already started as the time counts down.

12.Infinite lives on Facebook 

On your web browser you can keep multiple tabs open and on Candy Crush at the same time. This means that for those really hard levels you will never have to wait for lives to refresh as on each open version of Candy Crush you have 5 lives ready. When you do pass a level you will have to refresh each webpage but this is exceptionally helpful for those levels which take a lot of lives to pass. Below you can see I have 5 tabs open to Candy Crush and each with 5 lives. Yes, I stole Rene's facebook account to play Candy Crush on it.

13.Time Challenge add time 

The trick to passing timed levels is getting as many +5 candies as possible to add more time to clock. Understanding why the +5 candies drop really helps as they do not just drop randomly. The +5's drop every time you make a move which causes a cascade of 4 or more combos. Then make sure you crush that +5 to add it to your timer. You increase your chances of creating a cascade by crushing candies at the bottom of the board as there are more candies above you to make a second, third and then fourth set. Try this on level 252 and you can play until you get bored of the level, I stopped when I hit 1,000,000 points and still had the full 30 seconds on the clock.

14.Use striped candies strategically 

Do not waste your striped candies as soon as you get them. Try to plan out where they would be most beneficial and use them to reach those hard to get candies. There are some levels that this skill is essential for passing the level.

15.Save your fish for last 

Fish candies will zone in on any remaining jellies. Save them for last so you can have them get those hard to reach jellies. They will also get rid of jellies which are under frosting blocks without needing to get rid of the frosting making passing levels even faster.

16.Finish with extra moves left 

If you complete a level with extra moves left over they will transfer into more points as a school of jelly fish or striped candy will clear parts of the board. This does not guarantee that you will garner more points but usually it is a safe bet in order to hit those high scores

17.Pink bow 

If you have a level with a pink bow on it, then one of your Facebook friends have given you a gift of 3 extra moves. To use this on mobile, just play the level and the three extra moves are added automatically. If you are playing on the web on Facebook you can see the number of +3 moves you were given in the starting screen. You just click on the +3 moves in the starting screen to activate it.

18.Gifts from friends 

You only have a maximum of 5 lives (or sometimes 6) so dont accept lives from your friends until you can use them. If you accept lives when you are already maxed out the lives are wasted. I use the X to close the screen and wait until I'm under 5 lives remaining to click accept. Also know that the level you happen to be on when you accept a +3 moves will be the level that gift must be used on. So I only accept a +3 moves gift on the levels I am really struggling with

19.Battle Plan 

You want to eliminate the most dangerous candies first. Usually that would mean clearing the bombs then chocolate and finally any locked candies.

20.Dealing with ingredients 

You do not want to start a level with ingredients on the far right or left of the board. Along the sides of the screen, you have many fewer options to create a set of three or more similar candies. You can restart the level if you notice this before you have moved (see tip 1). You can also try to move the ingredients closer to the middle by crushing candies. Unless forced never move an ingredient to a square with no exit underneath it or to the side of the screen. The exits look like small green circles with white arrows inside them.

20 Tips for Candy Crush

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Can't log off? Surprisingly, 5-10% of internet users are actually unable to control how much time they spend online. Brain scans of these people actually show a similar impairment of regions that those with drug dependence have. Specifically, there is a clear degradation of white matter in the regions that control emotional processing, attention and decision making. Social media provides immediate rewards with very little effort required, your brain begins to rewire itself, making you desire these stimulation. And you begin to crave more of this neurological excitement after each interaction, like a drug.

Also the ones who do multi tasking in social media fails to perform well in production levels compares to other normal people. Increased multi-tasking online reduces your brains ability to filter out interference, and can even make it harder for your brain to commit information to memory.

Social media use increase the dopamine levels which is the chemical substance for feeling good. When we talk about ourself, dopamine level production are increased. About 80% of our social media communications are about ourselfs. Also there is an increasing cases of relationships formed from online. 

5 Crazy Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain

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Behind every successful inventions, there should be a series of failures. Some  inventions occur due to accidents occur during these tests.  Some test could be fatal. On present day, we have better security techniques and computerized analysis and strength test previews which ensures our safety. But years before, these inventions were death taking ones.  Lets see few brilliant persons who unfortunately died because of their creations.

20   Thomas Midgley Jr          -                       Petrol          

19  Henry Smolinski                -                       Flying car

18   William Bullock-               -                Rotating printing press

17  Horace Lawson Hunley      -                     Submarine

16  Franz Reichelt,                    -                     Parachute Suit

15  Michael Dacre                     -                     Flying taxi

14  Marie Curie                         -               Thorium , Polonium

13  Otto Lilienthal                    -                      Handglyder

12  J.G Parry-Thomas              -                      Racing car

11  Karel Soucek                      -               Shockabsorber barrel

10  Sylvester H. Roper             -                       Motorcycle

9    Wan Hu                                -                      Rocket

8    Perillos of Athens                -                     Burningbull

7    Cowper Phipps Coles          -                      Ship

6    Valerian Abakovsky            -                     Aerowagon

5    Alexander Bogdanov           -               Blood transfusion 

4    Jean-Francois  de Rozier     -                     Air balloon 

3    Henry Winstanley               -                     Lighthouse

2    Max Valier                          -                Rocket poweredcar

1   Aurel Vlaicu                          -                      Aircraft

20 Inventions That Killed their Creator

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We all have problems . As we grow old, the way we see those problems also changes. We would think we could understand kids problems. But think about how silly were those, when you were a kid. Those were doomsday problems for you and mostly you end up getting disappointed or crying.  Lets check 10 Problems Only 5 Year Old Will Understand.

1. When you ask your parents to play and they’re like, “In just a minute.”
2. Having to sit next to the kid who eats paste.
3. Getting to the store and seeing that some a-hole kid is already using the car shopping cart.
4. When you see something on TV that you want and your parents are like, “For Christmas.”
5. Forgetting which feet your shoes are supposed to go on.
6. When you try to hang with the older kids but they totally shut you out.
7. When you’re ready to go, but your parents keep talking and talking and talking.
8. When you wake up at the crack of dawn before everyone else.
9. Dropping something when you’re strapped into your car seat and can’t pick it up.
10. And getting great big, super squishy hugs from your parents.

10 Problems Only 5 Year Old Will Understand

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First of all the world wide web is not the internet. Most people thinks both are same but they are wrong. Internet is simply the way computers connect to each other to share information. 

The term WWW refers to the World Wide Web or simply the Web. The World Wide Web consists of all the public Web sites connected to the Internet worldwide, including the client devices (such as computers and cell phones) that access Web content. The WWW is just one of many applications of the Internet and computer networks.

The World Web is based on these technologies:
  • HTML - Hypertext Markup Language
  • HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • Web servers and Web browsers

Researcher Tim Berners-Lee led the development of the original World Wide Web in the late 1980s and early 1990s. He helped build prototypes of the above Web technologies and coined the term "WWW." Web sites and Web browsing exploded in popularity during the mid-1990s.

What is the World Wide Web?

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There are two types of people: those who love new car smell and those who hate it. The ones who love it likely buy air fresheners that try to mimic the odor, while those who hate it probably got a headache just remembering the last time they experienced it. Love it or hate it, but do you know what causes it? Here's a look at the chemicals involved and whether they are bad for you.

Chemicals That Cause "New Car Smell"

Each new car has its own perfume, so to speak, depending on the materials used during manufacturing. What you smell are volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are also the culprit if you ever get a weird greasy fog inside your windshield. There may be over 100 chemicals in the mix, including poisonous benzene and formaldehyde. Toxic phthalates are also present inside new cars, but they aren't volatile, so they aren't  part of the characteristic smell.
VOCs are considered air pollutants. They are produced by off-gassing of fumes from plastics and just about every other product made from petroleum. In your car, they come from the foam in the seats, the carpet, the dashboard, solvent, and the glue used to hold everything in place. In your home, you experience the same chemicals from new carpets, varnish, paint, and plastics. People who like the odors typically associate the smell with getting something fresh and new, but that doesn't protect them from the negative effects of inhaling the scent.

How Bad Is It, Really?

It's certainly not good for you, with effects ranging from a headache, nausea, and sore throat  to cancer and immune system disorders. To some extent, the risk depends on where you live. Some countries have fairly stringent regulations governing the amount of toxic chemicals allowed in a new car. The United States, on the other hand, does not have any air quality laws relating to new car smell, so the levels of chemicals may be much higher in an American-built vehicle.

Is There Anything You Can Do?

Car manufacturers are sensitive to the problem and try to minimize the release of toxic chemicals. After all, a displeased or dead consumer won't buy a new car, right? Both leather and fabric generate VOCs, so you can't really select an interior to minimize the smell. If you get a new car that is unbearably smelly, tell the dealership. Make sure fresh air is available for pregnant women and children, since some of the chemicals can affect development.
Most of the gases responsible for new car smell are produced during the first month or two after the car is made. There isn't anything you can do to prevent it from happening, but you can leave the windows cracked in the vehicle to air it out. Allowing air from the outside rather than recirculating it can minimize negative effects when you need to close up the car because of weather. Keeping the car in a cool garage will help, since chemical reactions occur more quickly when it's hot. If you have to park outside, choose a shady spot or put a sun shade under the windshield. Applying stain protectants, on the other hand, can make the smell even worse since the process adds more VOCs to the mix.

Is New Car Smell Bad for You?

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